FOR TODAY-January 21st
Outside my window... dry and grey (which is better than what California is getting these days)
I am thinking... that I should get going through this day.... its almost noon.
From the learning rooms...Bjorn-adjusting to new school routines and potty training (again!)...
Odin- learning to use getting well techniques (like to cover mouth when cough, and blow the nose into a hankie)
From the kitchen... baked potato soup and homemade bread (it smells amazing!)
I am wearing... things that are warm.... very warm.
I am wearing... things that are warm.... very warm.
I am going...to drink some coffee, make some cookie dough, clean and sew some valentine t-shirts.
I am reading... a lot of blogs these days.
I am creating... the aprons, some quilts, valentines gifts and other what-nots.
I am hoping...that my children get well... the cold stuff is going around this week.
I am hearing... our washing machine and Odin cough.
Around the house...unmade beds, a few scattered toys and some dust.
One of my favorite things... a break.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing:
Odin loves to be silly- and here is one of his silly faces.
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