Thursday, June 17, 2010

snail mail goes out!

I have been working hard the past weeks on some snail mail~ a swap that is going to North Wales. I don't know what excites me more....
the fact that it is a vintage kitchen swap or the fact that it is going to North Wales.

Mousy Brown, a blogger that I follow and have become friends with.... this is her swap idea.... and since the last craft swap I have become a lover of swaps.
I couldn't wait to do this one.

so, my package goes out today!
may my mousy friend enjoy what is to arrive in her post box.....
your anticipation is almost over!


  1. okay, I too love the swapiness (I know it's not a word!) How did you find a new swap? Will you please share what you made?! Let's chat how we can start another swap, it's so fun and pushes me into a new creative place. Good for you, you swappy swap master!

  2. wow jen- you are full of great new words.... I personally like "swapiness"...
    of course I will help you start a new swap....
    what ideas are brimming your little brain???

    oh-kay- so here is my big foul! I didnt take pictures of what I made. But, when Emily gets it, I will ask her to blog about it and I will link up to it here....
    my big bad naughty!

  3. I am sooooo excited - I hope yours gets there soon too! Of course I will photo and blog - no question, plus I plan to put everything on flickr if thats ok with you? I already have my group set up! Take care - hope you are resting and getting better - big hugs Em x
