Monday, March 28, 2011

well look at that~

the knee is up again......
this time arthroscopic surgery.
You guys have seen way to many photos of me laid up......
this one should not be for long.

nothing has you slow down than knees that don't work right.
knitting and coffee are getting me through.
(not to mention a few happy pills every so often!)
I feel great!

the thing that this surgery has taught me....
(as one who does not get much sleep)
we all should have a good anesthesiologist on our night stands.
honestly~that was the best 8 hours of sleep in 45 minutes I had ever had!!!

ps- does this wrap make my toes look white???
teehee! (I did tell you I was on a few happy pills, right?!?!)


  1. Feel better! You be back on the move in no time.

  2. Coffee & the knitting part sounds appealing.... don't think I would want the sore knee though :)
    Hope you are feeling better soon x

  3. Keep taking those pills! Get well soon xx

  4. oh dear!! hope your knee is feeling better now.
