Here we are in February. How did that happen?
I started working on ideas for Valentine's day this past weekend. The great thing about having a middle schooler is that I don't have to come up with multiple ideas.... because, well, "its not cool" to send valentine's in 6th grade. ( I dodged that one!)
My youngest, on the other hand, it has been an interesting battle. He needs to have them done by tomorrow but he is under the impression that he doesn't want to do them. It took me a while to figure out why, but after some "parental investigating" I figured it out. See, to a male 4th grade boy, who happens to be autistic,,,, (quotes) " girls are disgusting." This is the year of young girls oodling over him, mothering him, helping him etc. You know, girls being, well, girls. And he can't stand it... but also, doesn't say anything.... because he doesn't know how, or is to embarrassed.
here is his wonderful, adorable, cuter than snot, reason..... (get ready to say "awwww")
My sweet boy thinks that giving a girl a valentine will give them permission
to (quote, again!) "be in love with him".
I about died with the cuteness of this situation.
I mean really, how can you not "be in love with this face"
that said.... with some help from his ABA therapist, and some serious coaxing... we finally got him to sign his name to the backs of 35 tags that say
"Valentine, your peachy keen, jelly bean!"
This battle has been tackled. won. and taken down.... until next year.
free valentine printable from at this link . I didn't make them as fancy as she did... but, I was lucky to have access to 40+ mini packs of jellybellys and a child that finally decided to cooperate, which in my book~ works out perfectly.
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