The Simple Woman's Daybook
FOR TODAY- February 18th
Outside my window... a sunny day and some warmer weather
I am thinking... that I need to drink something- my mouth is dry.
I am thankful for...my life.
From the learning rooms... we are working on getting well this week (Odin and Bry have been sick).
From the kitchen...homemade yogurt, an amazingly clean coffee pot and a full dishwasher.
I am wearing... sweater, and cords.
I am creating... my sister's scarf, and simpson gifts
I am going... on the road to no where.... actually the boys have AWANA's tonight.
I am reading... Sill the Urban Homestead: a guide to self sufficient living in the heart of the city
I am hoping...that Odin gets well- this illness has lasted way to long.
I am hearing... Bryan and Bjorn talk about his "stinky poop"
Around the house... are a lot of things that need to get done.
One of my favorite things... a good nap
A few plans for the rest of the week: Piano lessons, a large pot of cauliflower soup, and making a carrot bread recipe ( new Martha recipe)
Here is picture thought I am sharing... some days I feel like this.

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