a necklace,
my necklace photo- is a bad one- but I wanted to get in super close so you could see- it is a tree with "I am blessed" on it. This beauty was attached to a card saying "having a place to go is home, haivng someone to love is family, having both is a blessing"... and yes, I am blessed.
my herb box finished,
and a trip to the museum with my girl, Katie. At the museum, there was this exhibit that blew my mind at how beautiful it was. titled Sensitive Vision: The Prints of Beth Van Hoesen . I fell in love with her etchings. The beauty found in her strokes and use of black and white negative space was amazing. If you ever visit our city this summer- check out her work, in the basement.... you will not be disappointed. As Mother's Day goes, this one was a very special one. Thank you boys, thank you.
Do you know where they got the necklace from? My mother got me the exact same one. I wear it every day, so it's looking rather worn. :( I can't seem to find another one anywhere. Yours is the only one I've ever seen that's identical to mine!