Tuesday, July 13, 2010

U Pick

the words u-pick were unknown to me until we moved to Oregon.... I was oblivious to the joys of picking your own berries~ let alone paying a $1.50 for a pound of fruit that in markets you paid $5 to $15 for....
one of the summer joys of Portland, Oregon.

This morning I loaded my youngest little into the car, drove less than 3 miles up the hill past the urban boundary.... and with silver buckets in hand~ we picked until the buckets overflowed with berry greatness. mmmmm....
there were raspberries, blueberries, marionberries, strawberries and blackberries.... fields full and ready to be picked!


  1. That is so AWESOME I wish we had one of those in San Clemente!! :)

  2. We may be headed over to Sauvie's Island for this purpose this weekend. I'm inspired!
