Tuesday, November 15, 2011

a writer

I think he may be a writer.
He loves to grab gobs of paper, a black (or pink) sharpie...
and create.

He has always loved the sequence books of If you Give a Mouse a Cookie story books. We have every single one, have had to replace a few.... and borrowed many copies from the library.
It is the cutest thing to hear him read these stories.... he have a high pitched accent on the "he'll" part~ both Bryan and I smile when he does it.

three days ago I noticed he was searching for paper..... after a few minutes I noticed this......
page 1- if you give a rabbit a baby Einstein cake. by Bjorn

page 2- she'll ask for orange juice to go with it.

it is now three days later~ and he has added an additional 6 pages to his story. Each time he build onto the story it gets more elaborate. I am already thinking of ways to get it bound~
yes, we have a writer on our hands.


  1. Ellie would like to pre-order a copy of the very first Bjorn Hellum book, she thinks it would be a fabulous investment and that it will be a great read for her :)

  2. That is so lovely...what a great thing to treasure and read over and over again!
