Thursday, August 20, 2009

Simple Woman Entry

FOR TODAY- Aug. 20th
Outside my window... a squawking scrub jay playing/teasing a squirrel
I am thinking... my boys are growing so fast and about a newer format for my blog starting up this fall.
I am thankful for... easy summer days.
From the learning rooms...Odin is in science camp (ooey-gooey week) and we are have lessons in our address, phone numbers and writing.
From the kitchen... today is homemade bread, flax pancakes and fruit salad. ( not to mention the pile of dished from the last two days... a choice that I made myself to not do!)
I am creating... its not creating
as much as fixing hems on an old skirt and patching up some kids pants.
I am wearing... a dress and an apron.
I am going... nowhere fast.
I am reading... The Home Creamery, and finishing The
Upside down Kingdom and the Undomestic Goddess
I am have a full night's sleep soon.
I am hearing... our fans running and the boys playing on bikes.
Around the house...scattered messes.
One of my favorite things... my morning coffee
A few plans for the rest of the week: Tillamook Cheese Factory and picnic tomorrow, Saturday- Bob's Red Mill and Love Portland, Sunday- a day of rest. rest. rest.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing:
taken last year of my neighbors sour cherries- they were soon turned into jam.... which is Bjorn's favorite.

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