- pancakes.
this is my no fail recipe... Martha Strikes Again! and yes- I use butter!

- project linus quilt 2.
this is what I have so far... and it has to be done by the end of this month....
I had better get my machine a sewing.
this is a girlie one- with cupcakes and pink (a color not seen in this house much!)
- onions.
With what is going around in this house, there will be a purchase of more onions this week.

- gardening
with the sun out, and the temps warmer than usual... I need to get my booty outside and working on my soil. Its time to make some compost tea and get some fertile nutrients on my lilacs, my apples, cherries, and other fruits. The question is will I really do it?
okay- so as I look at my list 3 out of 4 are about food. hmmm..... do I always have food on my mind? I must.
Me too! It must be the weather :D