Tuesday, February 21, 2012


yesterday was Presidents day....
and the kidlets were home.

now, being as we had errands to run, and things to donate.....
I had them in (and out of) the car for about an hour and a half.
we drove by the bowling alley and thought..... I wonder if they would like to try their luck.
I am sure glad I stopped.

man, the bowling environment has "jazzed' it self up since I last went bowling.  It's not the smoke filled, plastic seating, and sweat smelling place of years past.... oh no~  Each lane has TV's as well as animated score cards.  Seating is comfy cozy with couch like seats, and each lane has a server that keeps glasses and food refilled.  I was shocked!  Pretty Classy digs, if you ask me.

each kid picked their own "bowler nickname"

the great thing about bowling, in our family....
(this time!) it's not about form, or the score, or even who did better....
it was all about high fives, encouragement, and watching the ball hit or not hit.
high fives!

(I am knocking on wood...as I say this)
but, I believe that gone are the days of the "exhaustion phase" and we have possibly moved into the "plays well with others phase".  Oh that would be a dream come true for this mom!

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