Thursday, June 20, 2013

my desk is a mess

Like I said yesterday....
changes have been happening around here.
The biggest one is about to take place in the Fall.
I am having to prepare myself.
I have spent the past few days gathering paper work and
information, filling out applications and forms.
We have decided to home school my oldest for 5th grade.

I feel like this has been one of the toughest decisions that we have had to make.
I am so involved with our community school~ and I love volunteering there...
not to mention switching the mom button and the teacher button is not an easy thing for me to do with my son.  My husband, our son, and I have had many long discussions of what this will look like, where we are going with this, the goals, the ideas, the expectations.... being sure we are all on the same page.

our son wants to be educated at home.
So, (after weeks of deliberating)
we are.

This past week, aside from being the first week of summer vacation~ I have been been filing out applications, gathering reports... and all the "yuck" parts of education.... you know... the planning, the mapping, the organizing.  Each night I feel like I have a swarm of bees buzzing around my head~ dont forget this, and gotta do that.

Surprisingly, my heart and soul are at ease.... this decision was the right one for us.  I believe that our son can benefit from this~ and actually, draw the two of us closer.  It definitely  is a mental preparation and shift for me.  My patience, my time, and my character.... will be challenged at times...
but this was also my choice~and my perspective needs to reflect that.
I raise my (very full) glass....
"to homeschooling 2013/14~ Let's crack open a book and learn some stuff"

1 comment:

  1. Exciting stuff! I'm sure you will enjoy that challenge...all of you!
